All European Erasmus students should travel to Italy with their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
The European Health Insurance Card, replacing paper forms such as the E111, gives access to immediate necessary care under the same conditions as for Italian nationals.
Students can address one of the avaialble practitioners (so called Medico di Base) at her/his choice (maybe priviledging the one who is nearer to her/his domicile) indicated in the website of the local Azienda Sanitaria –ASL (Health district of the province of Pavia).
No fee should be applied by the pratictioner while, in case of subsequent appointed specialistic visits/blood test etc…,  a fee could be applied (to the same conditions as for Italian nationals). Anyway more information on how you can use your EHIC card can be found on the website of the European Health Insurance card, which we recommend you read carefully before leaving your residence Country.
Students coming from non-EU countries are strongly recommended to get hold of an insurance policy certified, translated by the Italian Diplomatic Representative abroad: in order to get the Residence Permit they are in fact required to have an Health Insurance for the entire duration of their stay in Italy.
Alternatively, once in Pavia, non-EU students who do not have such a private insurance policy, can enrol with the National Health Service (SSN) by paying a yearly fee (please note that it is valid until December 31st of the year in which it is subscribed) of around € 150.
This has to be payed at the Post Office, by a bollettino postale on the account c/c n° 379222.
Afterwards, you need to go to the Health Local Unit (ASL, Via Indipendenza, 3, Pavia Google map) with the payment receipt. There you will choose a Practitioner.